
Showing posts from October, 2017

5th week

During the microbiology class, we moved on into a new topic which is The External Structure of Prokaryotes. Dr Wan explained about the subtopics and things that we will be learning in the topic. Shape  During the last 1 hour, we were assigned to discuss in groups about the' Adopt A Microbe' project. We divided the task among our group members to gather information about  the microbe that we want to adopt. We decided to adopt magnetostatic bacteria ! These bacteria is very unique and interesting to study. We also had to prepare for 3MT during the next class about our adopted bacteria. The 3MT session was very helpful to gain so much knowledge. It also help us to be more curious and we managed to discover lots of new things :D

Preparation of Specimens and Classification of Organisms

During the 4th week, we have learned on how to prepare the specimens for light microscopy. Every each of the steps involve in the process have their own specific reasons and functions. At this point, we have to be sure at first on what we are looking and what we decided to look for.


TECHNIQUES FOR ISOLATION OF PURE CULTURES During the 3rd week, we had learned about a new techniques for isolation of pure culture which is streak-plate and spread-plate technique.


During the third week, we learned about microscopes. There are a few types of microscopes with their own functions. As Dr. Wan said,the first thing that we have to do is to identify what are we going to look for. Then we decided which microscope that we have to use. We should mastered on how to use microscope as it is an important device especially for microbiologist like us :D We want to study about livings things that we cant see with our naked eyes. Types of microscope