5th week

During the microbiology class, we moved on into a new topic which is The External Structure of Prokaryotes. Dr Wan explained about the subtopics and things that we will be learning in the topic.


During the last 1 hour, we were assigned to discuss in groups about the' Adopt A Microbe' project. We divided the task among our group members to gather information about  the microbe that we want to adopt. We decided to adopt magnetostatic bacteria ! These bacteria is very unique and interesting to study. We also had to prepare for 3MT during the next class about our adopted bacteria. The 3MT session was very helpful to gain so much knowledge. It also help us to be more curious and we managed to discover lots of new things :D

Basic Technique

Microscopy is the science of investigating small objects and structures using such an instrument which is microscope. During the experiments for this week, we learned on how to handle microscope in a proper manner. It is very important as to prevent the microscope from any damage. We were given few prepared slides to examine under the compound light microscope. Different lens has different magnification, thus it will result in different size of cells that we observed. Other than that, we also learned on how to measure the microbial size. 


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