6th week


During the first lecture of the week, we learned about the external structure of prokaryotes. We managed to study the differences between archaea and bacteria. Other than that, bacteria and archaea can be also classified into two groups which are Gram +ve and Gram -ve. Both of the groups are differ in structures.


During the second day of class, we have our first test of microbiology.For me its quite hard because all of the information and facts all mixed up in my head :( I hope that i can score high marks for this test. 

Basic Technique of Microbiology

During the lab session, we moved to a new topic which is the 'Bacterial Staining'. Visualization of microorganisms in the living state is quite difficult because they are minute, transparent and practically colorless when suspended in an aqueous medium. Staining is an auxiliary technique used in microscopy to enhance contrast in the microscopic image. 

We had learned about staining theoretically, and now we managed to carry out practically. during this week lab session, we had done the simple staining that includes the negative staining.


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