11th week

Class trip ☺

Since Dr Wan is away to Sydney, we have our class trip to Institut Biosains (IBS). This is a place where post graduate students do their research. The main reasons we went there was to learn more about electron microscopy. 

There, we were introduced and explained about the process that are taken in order to prepare the samples for the observation under electron microscopy later. Some of the staffs were assigned to explained to us. We have opportunities to see few electron microscope such as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and etc. I was very amazed by the micrograph that appeared at the computer screen. 

Transmission Electron Microscope

Basic Technique of Microbiology

During this week lab session, we had carried out an experiment on oxygen requirements for microorganisms. There are two conditions that we had incubated the bacterial samples either aerobic condition  ( presence of oxygen) and anaerobic condition ( absent of oxygen). 

Classification of microorganisms based on their oxygen requirement in broth media.


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