8th Week


During our first class this week with Dr Wan, we were assigned in our group to create a quiz or any games based on the topic ' Internal Structure of Prokaryotes'. This quizzes and games helps us to test our knowledge on the topic that we had learned. Our group managed to get the highest marks two times from the games provided. These kind of activities helps us to learn in a fun and interesting way. 

Our group had made a word search. Do try to test your knowledge :) 

During the second class of the week, each of the group were given an organelle. From the organelle, we had to search for the uses or any impact of the organelle in prokaryotes. 

Basic Technique of Microbiology

During this lab session, we had done endospore and capsule staining. Both of the staining are categorize as in special staining. Special staining is one of the method used to enhance or visualize the specific structures or organelles of an microorganisms. 


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